Anderson's Pleasant Patch Pumpkins
2313 Koshkonong Rd.
Cottage Grove, WI 53527
- They sell: winter squash, pick-your-own pumpkins, pre-picked pumpkins, gourds, straw bales, corn shocks, dried floral arrangements, and fall decorations
- They have: a 1 mile hiking trail, a corn maze, tractor pulled hay rides, and a haunted house
- They're open: Last weekend of September through Halloween, Saturday and Sunday 11 am to 5 pm.
Appleberry Farm
8079 Maurer Rd.
Cross Plains, WI 53528
- They sell: pick-your-own or pre-picked apples, and apple cider
- They have: sheep for you to visit, chickens for you to feed, a duck pond to sit by, hayrides, an orchard for you to walk through, and an oak savanna with views of Blue Mounds for you to explore
- Contact them: phone - (608) 798-2780, email - fun@theappleberryfarm.com, website - http://www.theappleberryfarm.com/
Carandale Farm
5683 Lincoln Rd.
Oregon, WI 53575
- They sell: pick-your-own apples and pumpkins, caramel apples, apple butter, frozen pies, honey, jams and jellies, pears, plums, squash, gourds, dried flowers, pre-picked and pick-your-own tomatoes, raspberries, and strawberries
- They're open: until November 1st, 10 am to 6 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, 10 am to 5 pm on Saturdays, and noon to 5 pm on Sundays (closed Wednesdays)
- Contact them: phone - (608) 835-5871, website - http://www.carandale.com/
Eplegaarden Orchard
2273 Fitchburg Rd.
Fitchburg, WI 53575
- They sell: pick-your-own apples, raspberries, and pumpkins
- They have: hayrides, animals, and a haunted barn
- Contact them: phone - (608) 845-5966, email - forest@eplegaarden.com, website - http://www.eplegaarden.com/
Foster's Fall Harvest
6617 State Road 73
Marshall, WI 53559
- They sell: twenty varieties of pumpkins, squash, gourds, ornamental corn, and corn shocks, apples, honey, and crafts
- They're open: September through Halloween, evenings 5 pm to 7 pm, weekends 9 am to 7 pm
- Contact them: phone - (608) 655-4275
Green's Orchard
2722 Williams Dr.
Stoughton, WI 53589
- They sell: pick-your-own pumpkins, pick-your-own and pre-picked apples, squash, honey, sweet corn, Indian corn, and tomatoes
- They're open: 10 am to 5 pm on Saturdays and Sundays
- Contact them: phone - (608) 873-4096, email - apples247@yahoo.com
Hermanson Pumpkin Patch
127 Hwy N
Edgerton, WI 53534
- They sell: pick-your-own and pre-picked pumpkins, pre-picked produce, birdhouse gourds, decorative gourds, large atlantic giant pumpkins, straw bales, corn shocks, minature corn, Indian corn
- They have: a petting zoo that includes llamas, donkeys, goats, pigs, calves, fish, and a large st. bernhard dog
- They're open: September and October, everyday from 9 am to 6 pm
- Contact them: phone - (608) 884 - 8759, email - vicki.ferrell@edgerton.k12.wi.us
Schuster's Playtime Farm
1326 US Highway 12 and 18
Deerfield, WI 53531
- They sell: 15 varieties of pick-your-own and pre-picked pumpkins, pre-picked produce, decorative corn, fall basket arrangements, fall decorative ceramics, corn stalks, straw bales, decorative gourds of all sizes, squash potpourri
- They have: a corn maze, a haunted corn maze, a straw or haybale maze, a corn cannon, a gift shop, a snacks and refreshments stand, a picnic area, tractor-pulled hay ride, wagon rides, and a petting zoo
- They're open: September and October, 9 am to 7 pm Mondays through Saturdays, and 10 am to 6 pm Sundays
- Contact them: phone - (608) 764-8488, email - playtime@chorus.net, website - http://www.schustersplaytimefarm.com/
The Tree Farm
454 St Rd 19
Cross Plains, WI 53528
- They sell: asparagus, beans, beets, broccoli, carrots, Christmas trees, sweet corn, cucumbers, eggplant, flowers, peas, peppers, pumpkins, rhubarb, summer squash, winter squash, tomatoes
- They're open: September and October, 9 am to noon and 4 pm to dusk on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and 9 am to 5 pm on Saturdays and Sundays
- Contact them: phone - (608) 798-2286, email - treefarm@midplains.net
Willow Glen Farm
645 County Highway PB
Belleville, WI 53508
- They sell: a great selection of pre-picked pumpkins, gourds, winter squash, Indian corn, broom corn, honey, ornamentals, specialty squash, gourds, and miniature Indian corn
- Contact them: phone - (608) 845-6016
(Photo from http://www.waltcurleeart.com/, information from http://www.pumpkinpatchesandmore.org/)
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